Tri-City Quilters Guild
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  • Content Items: 1,2,24;
  • SelCat: 60;
  • Search for Key: Let,s,easy,Meantime,and,the,brigade,command,came,closer in Content
  • Search Mode: and
  • xContent: 1,2,24
  • Configured:
    1. Content (1)
    2. ContentCats (2)
    3. Directory (21)
    4. Calendar (24)
    5. Products (41)
    6. ProductCats (52)
    7. Listings (61)
    8. ListingCategories (62)
    9. ListingMarkets (63)
  • CS:1 (xContent: 1,2,24)
  • Enabled: $CS-1 = 1
  • 1 - Content ($CS-1=1):
    • Search: Content;
    • View: searchContent;
    • Query: select * from searchContent as searchResults where theSearch like '%Let%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%s%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%easy%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%Meantime%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%brigade%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%command%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%came%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%closer%' collate nocase and hits(Home,'') = 0 and hits(Attrib,'') = 0
    • RC:
  • End 1

  • CS:2 (xContent: 1,2,24)
  • Enabled: $CS-2 = 1
  • 2 - ContentCats ($CS-2=1):
    • Search: ContentCats;
    • View: searchContentCats;
    • Query: select * from searchContentCats as searchResults where theSearch like '%Let%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%s%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%easy%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%Meantime%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%brigade%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%command%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%came%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%closer%' collate nocase and hits(Home,'') = 0
    • RC:
  • End 2

  • CS:21 (xContent: 1,2,24)
  • Enabled: $CS-21 =
  • No Directory (21) enabled;
  • CS:24 (xContent: 1,2,24)
  • Enabled: $CS-24 = 24
  • 24 - Calendar ($CS-24=24):
    • Search: Calendar;
    • View: searchCalendar;
    • Query: select * from searchCalendar as searchResults where theSearch like '%Let%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%s%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%easy%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%Meantime%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%brigade%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%command%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%came%' collate nocase and theSearch like '%closer%' collate nocase
    • RC:
  • End 24

  • CS:41 (xContent: 1,2,24)
  • Enabled: $CS-41 =
  • No Products (41) enabled;
  • CS:52 (xContent: 1,2,24)
  • Enabled: $CS-52 =
  • No ProductCats (52) enabled;
  • CS:61 (xContent: 1,2,24)
  • Enabled: $CS-61 =
  • No Listings (61) enabled;
  • CS:62 (xContent: 1,2,24)
  • Enabled: $CS-62 =
  • No ListingCategories (62) enabled;
  • CS:63 (xContent: 1,2,24)
  • Enabled: $CS-63 =
  • No ListingMarkets (63) enabled;
  • Search Cats:
  • Ranked: Categories: ; Articles:
  • Non-Ranked: Categories: 0; Articles: ;

  • You searched for: Let s easy Meantime and the brigade command came closer

    No results were found.