The 2025 challenge quilt theme has been chosen - Take A Page. The Challenge is open to all guild members. Your challenge is to make a quilted project that is related to something on your assigned magazine page. It could be color related, based on a word or phrase on that page, or based on a picture on the page, colors, etc. This is your opportunity to be creative. The 2025 Quilt Challenge is being coordinated by Debbi Trevino, Jan Yancey, and Lucy Guyaz. Reach out to one of them if you have any questions.
Each member will receive a different magazine that has absolutely nothing to do with quilting or fabrics. Directions will be given at the guild meetings on how to determine your PAGE, protecting your PAGE, and registering your PAGE for the upcoming show. Protect your magazine page in the provided plastic sleeve, you will need to turn it in with your finished challenge quilt. January 2025 will be the deadline for distributing pages for the challenge.
- Must be a current TCQG member to submit an entry.
- Entries must reflect something from the PAGE that was assigned (word, phrase, picture, color, shape, etc.)
- Any shape, any fabric, any embellishment is allowed.
- Max circumference of 150", minimum is 72". Calculate: Combine all 4 sides (30" + 40" + 30" +40")
- All entries must be 3 layers held together by quilting and have finished edges.
- Every participating member will receive a "mystery" gift to let you know how much we appreciate your participation.
Important Information:
- On the day you select your PAGE, you will receive a Ziploc bag with an 'I Took A Page!' label along with a few other important items.
- When you receive your PAGE, we will place a gold seal on it for authentication. This PAGE MUST be submitted with your entry. Entries without their authenticated magazine page will be automatically disqualified.
- It is very important that you keep track of your zipper bag and the magazine page with its authentication seal on it.
- Please type a short note about why/what you selected on the page as inspiration. Use a size 18pt font that is easy to read, no longer than 100 words.
- Slip your note into the bag where it can easily be read, along with your authentication PAGE.
- Pin the sealed bag to the front of your entry and deliver it to the drop off locations noted below.
- Quilts must have a label with Name and Phone Number on the back of the quilt.
Registration and Delivery:
Register your quilt online and select the TCQG Challenge Quilt category. Be sure to put your name and phone number on the back of your quilt.
Entries are due March 5-8, 2025. The following stores have agreed to accept challenge entries (check the store for their hours):
- Discount Vac & Sew, Kennewick
- Fabric 108, Kennewick
- Quality Sewing (formerly Janean's BERNINA), Pasco
- Quiltmania, Richland
- Sandy's Fabrics, Kennewick
The quilts will be hung at the March 17th AM/PM membership meetings where members will vote on their favorites. The quilts will then be hung in a group at the March quilt show where the winners will be revealed.